
We encourage believers who regularly attend Crosspoint Community Church to make their connection to our church family official by becoming members of the church.  The New Testament clearly indicates that groups of people who were followers of the Lord Jesus Christ identified themselves with and committed themselves to a particular local church family. In order to implement the principles of accountability and commitment to the local body of Christ, as defined in the New Testament and practiced in the early churches, Crosspoint recognizes the need for formal membership. Membership at Crosspoint is open to all who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, ages 7th grade or older, who have gone public with their faith and been baptized as a believer, and who are not existing members of another church family.

How do I become a member?

Get to Know Us

Joining a church is about much more than simply having your name on a list; it’s about becoming part of a family. In fact, we view membership as a covenantal relationship, just as one would covenant in marriage. It is important, therefore, that each prospective member takes time to learn about who we are.  Prospective members should take time to regularly attend worship services, get to know our church family, read our statement of beliefs and convictions, listen to past sermons online, and ask church leadership questions they may have.  First Connections is a Sunday lunch held 5-6 times a year that is designed to help those new to Crosspoint get to know us better.  

Attend our membership class, Discover Crosspoint

In this class, prospective members learn about the Gospel, what it means to be a Christian, and what it looks like to live as a member of the family of God. The class also covers the history, beliefs, culture, and vision of Crosspoint, and how members can be a part of its ministry and mission.  Upon completion of the class any person professing personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who has gone public with their faith by being baptized in the past, or is willing to be baptized at the next available service, should indicate their desire for membership on the membership application form and submit it to the church office for further review and a follow up conversation.

Meet with Pastor/Elder

This meeting is an informal conversation to learn about the prospective member’s testimony of faith, baptism, life and interests. Additionally, this meeting is a chance for the prospective member to ask questions about the church and to talk with the church leader about how he/she can participate in ministry at Crosspoint.  

Membership Covenant

All new members covenant with the Body of Christ at Crosspoint by signing the membership covenant which describes what the expectations are for those who call Crosspoint their home church. A copy of that signed covenant is turned into the church office.

Be introduced to the Congregation

After completing the membership process above, the names of the prospective members will be included in the monthly email update that goes out to all members.  That month, current Crosspoint members will be encouraged to clear up any relational or other difficulties which could hinder the relationships and unity among the Crosspoint family. This is done in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-17. At the end of the month, those who remain as candidates will be welcomed into membership. The names of the new members will be introduced to the congregation during a Sunday service so that the rest of the church family can get to know them.

Membership Covenant Renewal

While the term of membership continues as long as the believer desires fellowship with Crosspoint, the membership covenant will be renewed at a service/gathering designed for that purpose (typically held in January). One definition of ‘renew’ is this…give fresh life or strength to. The purpose of this renewal is to give fresh life or strength to the call on Crosspoint members to bring glory to God by making disciples of Jesus who live 3D together.

Membership and Baptism

In Jesus’ commission to us as a church in Matthew 28, He says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (v. 18-20). In the book of Acts, we see Peter call people to repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38), and in Acts 10:48, he commands Gentiles to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. What you don’t find in the New Testament is the idea of a non-baptized Christ-follower. Now baptism is not required for salvation (Luke 23:42-43, Ephesians 2:8-9), but baptism is seen in the New Testament as an outward action that reveals the inward transformation of our hearts and our salvation by grace and through faith. Baptism is the next step of obedience that a believer takes following their salvation in Christ. By being baptized, a believer is following in the example of Christ who was baptized by immersion, obeying His command in Matthew 28, and identifying with the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ (Romans 6:1-4). Church membership is a public affirmation of someone’s faith in Christ, and Jesus has appointed baptism as the first step by which His followers publically profess their faith in Him. For those who have never been baptized following their confession of faith in Christ, we lovingly call you to celebrate your faith through baptism. For those who following their confession of faith in Christ, have been baptized at a previous time or church, there is no need to be ‘re-baptized’ at Crosspoint prior to covenant membership.   

Changes to Membership

Various situations may dictate changing a person’s status from member to non-member: 

  • If the person geographically moves from the area, and is no longer attending Crosspoint
  • If the person has not participated in the life of the church (i.e.: attended a Sunday service, joined a community group, served in a ministry, etc.) for a year
  • If the person has gone through a church discipline process, and continues in a pattern of sin and rebellion
  • Anyone whose membership has been removed for a reason above, who desires to be restored to membership at Crosspoint, shall be reinstated after an interview and approval of the Crosspoint elder team